gifts & goods from around the globe

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fair trade, organic, sustainable
Where does your money go?
With every purchase, money goes to artisan groups across the world. We directly support efforts in Lesotho, Ghana, Boliva, and immigrant groups in the United States of America. Learn more below.
Peace is something we can create together.
Shop in support of Refugio RafaelRefugio Rafael provides a secure, nurturing environment for families while also providing community wide opportunities for economic and educational development.
Sobo's WorkSobo Sehloho is the head artist for our line of reclaimed metal jewelry. Deeply committed to developing artistic skills and appreciation in the community of Morija, he is training others in his craft and organizing a community gallery space and workshop center.
learn moreWe work with many artisans in Ghana and have partnered with Aid to Artisans Ghana and the Ghana Export Promotion Authority in the past. Currently, our central partnership is with the Aburi Craft Village, where we support the ongoing development of a Gallery and website for the 150 resident artists and artisans.
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15 West Dunedin Road Columbus, Ohio
Address: 15 West Dunedin Road Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: (614) 596-1303
Summer Hours:
Monday-Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Closed on Sundays, except for Workshops!
Join us for the Clintonville Farmers Market Saturdays 9:00am-12:00pm